Basic Conversations - How long are you staying?

Podcast Notes You'll hear this basic conversation two times. First, at anormal speed, then at a slower speed. After that, you'll hear short practice dialogs. Then it will be your turn to fill in the conversation with your own phrases.
mp3 file
size: 2.32 MB
time: 4:49
Jul 1, 2006

ELT Podcast - Basic Conversations for EFL and ESL RSS feed

Bill: Hi Robert! What's up?
Robert: I'm going to the U.S. next week.
Bill: Oh, really? I didn't know that. Where are you going?
Robert: I'm going to Tampa.
Bill: Where's that?
Robert: In Florida.
Bill: What are you going to do there?
Robert: I'm going to visit my family. My grandmother lives there.
Bill: That sounds nice. When are you leaving?
Robert: On Saturday March 11th.
Bill: How long are you staying?
Robert: A couple of weeks.

Let's practice.

Where are you going?
To Rock Island.
Where's that?
In Illinois.
When are you leaving?
On Monday February 2nd.
How long are you staying?
For a month.

Where are you going?
To Abbotsford.
Where's that?
In British Columbia, Canada.
When are you leaving?
On Thursday November 1st.
How long are you staying?
For four years.

Your turn... You answer...
Where are you going?
Where's that?
When are you leaving?
How long are you staying there?

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