Basic Conversations - What kind of sports do you like?

Podcast Notes
You'll hear this basic conversation two times. First, at a normal speed, then at a slower speed. After that, you'll hear short practice dialogs using What kind of (noun) do you like? Finally, you'll hear the conversation again at a normal speed.

mp3 file
size: 1.36 MB
time: 2:44
Jun 6, 2006


Bill: Robert, I have some tickets to the Hawks game. Do you want to go?
Robert: Not really, Bill. I don't like baseball.
Bill: Oh, do you like sports?
Robert: Yes, of course.
Bill: What kind of sports do you like?
Robert: I like soccer.
Bill: Well, that's the world's most popular sport.

Let's practice.

A: What kind of sports do you like?
B: I like soccer.

A: What kind of Japanese food do you like?
B: I like sushi.

A: What kind of books do you like?
B: I like Harry Potter.

A: What kind of movies do you like?
B: I like action movies.

A: What kind of cars do you like?
B: I like sports cars.

A: What kind of computers do you like?
B: I like Apple computers.

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