After you hear this intermediate-level conversation, you'll hear several short practice dialogs.

mp3 file
size: 1.31 MB
time: 2:42
Mar 4, 2007
Bill: I got a new computer yesterday.
Robert: You got a new computer?
Bill: Yes, a new notebook computer.
Robert: Why didn't you get a desktop computer?
Bill: The notebook is light, and has a battery, so I can use it anywhere. I can use it on the train or the bus.
Robert: Isn't the keyboard too small to use?
Bill: It's compact, but I'll get used to it.
Robert: I think large keyboards are easier to use than small ones. Also, desktop computers are more powerful than notebooks.
Bill: That's true, but my notebook computer is powerful enough for me.
Robert: Aren't notebooks more expensive than desktop computers?
Bill: Yes, desktop computers are less expensive, usually, but notebook computers are portable. I can use my notebook in any room, and when I'm finished, I can put it away. You can't put a desktop computer away.
Robert: That's true, but my desktop computer doesn't take too much space. It's an iMac.
Bill: That's a cool computer. I bet my Windows notebook was cheaper than your iMac.
Robert: You get what you pay for.
Bill: Funny.
Let's practice:
A: I got a new pet yesterday.
B: You got a new pet?
A: Yes, a cat.
B: Why didn't you get a dog?
A: I got a new car yesterday.
B: You got a new car?
A: Yes, a compact car.
B: Why didn't you get a sports car?
A: I got a new iPod yesterday.
B: You got a new iPod?
A: Yes, I got an iPod Shuffle.
B: Why didn't you get an iPod Nano?
A: I went on a homestay last year.
B: You went on a homestay?
A: Yes, I went to Ireland.
B: Why didn't you go to Australia?
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